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The Explorer

The Student News Site of Hudson High School

The Explorer

The Student News Site of Hudson High School

The Explorer

Let’s add a “Chill Room” to HHS

flikr/Modern Space Fit
A “Chill Room” being implemented would provide a space to take a mental de-stressing break during the stressful school day and would most likely help students feel more confident with getting through the long block days, and even coming to school.

Hudson High School contains around 1,540 students with a student to teacher ratio of 16:1, but does the building accommodate all students? Hudson City School district’s student population is only going to grow. With the schedule at HHS, we currently have an Explorer period, which offers students a 30 minute period to get extra help with a class, catch up or just take a break, but where should the students go when there is no room in the media center or the commons? Along with our schedule, we have a Wednesday and Thursday block schedule. Seniors and juniors are able to get a flex pass, which allows them to come in late or leave school early during a study hall period. But underclassmen are forced to stay at the school. Students become overwhelmed with this schedule and take in so much information in each 90 minute class with nowhere to take a break or relax. And during study halls, if you have no work to do and are unable to leave, you sit there doing nothing.

During the Explorer period and lunch periods, it is quite hard to find somewhere to sit or relax. We have a newly updated media center with very limited space for students, as well as the commons, which are always jam packed during lunch and Explorer periods. And students are expected to stay in one place and not walk around, but what else are we supposed to do when there is nowhere to even sit? 

Many students need somewhere to take a mental break during the school day, not just a bathroom break. Being at school usually five days a week becomes very overwhelming with block days when each class is 90 minutes. You feel bored, the day feels like it is never going to end and you become overwhelmed with all the information you are obtaining in each class within one day. A “Chill Room” being implemented would provide a space to take a mental de-stressing break during the stressful school day and would most likely help students feel more confident with getting through the long block days, and even coming to school. Taking a break is not just for fun, it is also beneficial. “Many studies have found that pausing for a moment to relax and reboot is essential for achieving productivity, success, and a positive outlook on the future. This is especially true for students who spend hours huddled in front of a computer. While many believe cram sessions and all-night study groups will ultimately help them earn their college degree, the fact is that not taking regular breaks can lead to a significant decrease in academic performance and, in some cases, serious health concerns like anxiety, insomnia, and depression.” Taking breaks in these “Chill Rooms” would benefit every student, especially the students that are starting to overwhelm themselves and push themselves too hard during the school week. 

Many high school students at HHS struggle with mental illness. And having nowhere to rest, de stress or relax between classes or during free periods does not help. The “Chill Room” could offer them a place to take a break, see friends and socialize and give them a break from their fear and worry of what’s going to happen in their classes that day. Every student would 100% appreciate having a place to turn to when they need somewhere to rest, relax and just think and breathe. “Fifty percent of middle school students and 56 percent of high school students identified feeling depressed, stressed, or anxious as the biggest obstacle to learning. Distractions at home and family responsibilities were cited as the second largest obstacle, with 35 percent of middle school students and 37 percent of high school students saying that was the case.” Depression and other mental illnesses create more obstacles in a student’s life and create more worry and anxiety, which could later develop bad habits like skipping school/class. These Chill Rooms could provide the space and comfort they need during their free periods.

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HHS is packed with a large population of students. Sometimes even depending on what lunch you are in, there is barely enough room for you and your friends to sit. Along with Explorer periods when the commons, media center and the senior atrium/lounge is jam packed. So the chill room can be another space provided to relax and socialize with friends. Socialization is not just for fun, it is also beneficial for students and their social skills. “Socialization allows students to function fully as children, teenagers, and adults. Exposure to various social situations and experiences can help students gain confidence and overcome shyness, allowing them more possibilities for professional and emotional advancement in the future. They also experience better mental health overall. Socialization allows students access to unique perspectives from peers who may have grown up differently, broadening their worldview and exposing them to greater diversity. These skills are largely derived from social interactions that begin from a very young age, and it’s why social interaction is vital for students of all ages.” Students would love having a new place to relax with friends while building stronger social skills, friendships and learning new things outside of the classroom. 

Hudson High School does currently already offer a media center, the commons, the courtyards (only during the warm weather), as well as the senior atrium and the senior lounge. The media center has very limited space, and for underclassmen in study hall there is a select amount of students aloud. The commons is for lunch, study hall or explorer period. During the explorer period students struggle just to find somewhere to sit in the commons or even to get into the media center. And these rooms are all extremely loud so it is not a good environment to relax or “chill”. And students are expected to not walk the halls during any part of the day except to class or the restroom, but when there is nowhere else to sit or to go what else are you supposed to do?​ The idea of providing a “Chill Room” has many benefits, and the district should really consider going through with this idea. 


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About the Contributor
Mckenzie Manes
Mckenzie Manes, Reporter
Mckenzie is a senior at Hudson High School. This is her first year reporting for The Explorer. In Mckenzie’s free time she enjoys shopping, spending time with family and friends and listening to music. She is looking forward to writing about social media, trends and more. She is also excited to be pushed out of her comfort zone writing for The Explorer.  Mckenzie plans on attending the University of Mississippi after graduation for either marketing or merchandising, apparel and textiles (MAT).
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