The Italian Club is a new addition to Hudson High School’s many clubs. HHS offers all kinds of clubs for different cultures such as German Club, French Club, Spanish Club and many others. There was another Italian Club a few years ago called the Italian Awareness Club, now back and completely revamped. The founder of the club is Vivian Cornacchione, with Madame Schiele as the club’s advisor. Vivian is in 11th grade at Hudson. Madame Schiele is a French teacher at Hudson with a very Italian background. She is the perfect person to have as the advisor for this club, as she is very involved with different cultures and loves to share the different lifestyles and ways of life from all places of the world.
Cornacchione says, “During the meetings, we will talk about Italian culture, plan trips to Italy and play classic Italian games, such as bocce. It is a new club, so I am hoping to gather more ideas from the members, but those are a couple of activities we have planned for upcoming meetings. And, most importantly, we will be eating great Italian food!”
Meetings for the Italian Club take place on the first Wednesday of every month, right after school in room B109. Cornacchione said, “The length of the meetings will vary depending on the activities planned, but they should be about 3-3:45.” Considering how much you do in each meeting, it’s worth spending up to an hour indulging in Italian culture.
When asked about her favorite part of the club, Vivian shared, “My favorite part of the club is that it is a great way to celebrate Italian culture. Hudson has a wide variety of clubs to celebrate different cultures and traditions, and I am excited to create one for Italians.”

When asked about what she would say to anyone considering joining, she shared, “I think Italy is an area of interest for everyone- whether to travel to the country or just a love of pasta and pizza, and this is a great way to explore that interest more! It is a relaxed club, so it is a great way to end your school day, with great Italian food to accompany it!”
There is a long list of reasons to join the Italian Club including learning about Italian culture, meeting a lot of new friends who share the same interests, and of course, eating amazing Italian food. The next time that you are thinking about joining another club make sure to stop by the French room on the first Wednesday of every month and spend an hour of your day expanding your knowledge of the culture of Italy!