Recently, Hudson High School lost one of our beloved family members: Gregory Gallagher. Gallagher taught two classes at HHS, Honors World History and Criminology. Gallagher was known around the school for being the expert on music and wasn’t afraid to tell students that his favorite artist was without a doubt, Prince. Gallagher loved Prince so much that he even put his logo onto the background of his note packets for his students. Gallagher always felt as though loving everyone was the most important policy. His outlook on life was very similar to his favorite musician; as Prince said, “instead of hate, celebrate.”
His history classes were extremely memorable where students were able to retain the information whilst simultaneously learning an incredible amount of Prince and music facts. He loved hearing about the students’ lives and Hudson sports. He also loved our journalism class and always read the new articles while constantly supporting our class. Ms. Crecelius, the HHS Journalism teacher, praised the immense support. “Whenever our school newsmagazine would come out, he was the first to read through it and talk to the journalists about their articles.”
Students always felt as though they were creating a deeper connection past just teacher and student with Mr. Gallagher. Ms. Crecelius further elaborates on the impact Mr. Gallagher had on our staff as a whole. “Mr. Gallagher was always such a huge supporter of students. Whenever our school newsmagazine would come out, he was the first to read through it and talk to the journalists about their articles and discuss possible upcoming topics.” Students knew that he always wanted to hear about the new issues and topics that The Explorer would write. “He truly took the time to talk to students about their interests, and that is one of the many things that made him an awesome educator. Our staff will miss him greatly.” He will always remain a part of The Explorer.
Junior Jillian Ellison got the best of both worlds and had Gallagher as both a teacher and a basketball coach. “Mr. Gallagher was definitely one of my favorite teachers I have ever had. He was a pretty strict teacher but in a motivational way and you could always tell he just wanted his students to be successful.” Gallagher was always in it for his students and always made sure his students were set up for success. “Mr. Gallagher’s amazing humor and sarcasm always made me excited for his class, especially on the long Thursday block days.” He always makes his classes exciting and is also known for handing out Zotz candy for 90% or higher on tests. “To keep his legacy on our basketball team decided to wear purple shoe laces for every game in honor of his love for Prince.” The basketball team was incredibly affected by Gallagher and will always remember him.
The teachers of Hudson also have talked about the influence Gallagher has had on their lives. Ms. Rann, a history teacher at HHS, had a close relationship with him. “G was my mentor teacher in my early years of teaching at HHS. He guided me with cautious enthusiasm and always made sure I crossed my T’s and dotted my I’s. He always wanted to make sure I was on top of it and that I was feeling supported and appropriately challenged as a new teacher.” He treated his colleagues the way he treated his students. He always wants the best for others around him and he always made that super clear. “G’s kindness was part of every conversation we had and as I became more seasoned as a teacher we transitioned to becoming great friends. I looked up to G for his wisdom, seriousness for work, love for teaching and for his students, respect for doing what is right and what is asked of us, and insight into balancing teaching, coaching, and home life.” He was someone many teachers were able to look up too and was always a good influence on many.

Ms. Meyer, another history teacher, was also able to have a close connection with Gallagher. “Mr. Gallagher had a period of time when he would air fry snack food for his Social Studies pals during lunch on Wednesdays when he had extra time in the mornings. He always made sure to include a vegetarian option for me. That was the kind of guy he was, inclusive and considerate. I never asked him to do that, but he took the time to make sure I was included.” Outside and in the classroom, Gallagher always made sure everyone felt included and a part of the group. His level of attentiveness and inclusion made him who he was. “I loved the time I got to spend working with G. Especially eating lunch with him. I miss being able to talk with him and see him. It’s hard to believe that he’s gone. He was a great teacher who cared about his students. He never had a bad word to say about anyone and always saw the best in others. I will miss his sense of humor and being able to joke around with him.”
Hudson High School will miss Gallagher and everything he brought to Hudson. He truly was a family member to each and every student, teacher, and staff member. HHS cannot thank him enough for his contribution to our school. Always make sure to live like Prince and Gallagher did and “instead of hate, celebrate.”